
Monday, May 17, 2010

Elke Kramer

I am devastated I have nothing to show you, except this photo but it really doesn't do it justice. Today I was so excited when in a shop window I cam across one of her necklaces. It was a square pyramid of black and white marble, surrounded with gold and on a gold silk plaited necklace. It was to die for. I had to go in and find out who made it. This lovely woman did and I looked her up quick smart only to realise that I had been there before. Her designs are also on the cover of this issue of Frankie magazine.  


Anyway, her pieces do come at a bit of a price. This particular necklace I would die for was over 300 dollars..wish I had a picture! 

Caroline x

So Check out http://www.elkekramer.com/ for a very fast list of stockists